Sushi - Food Photography

May 20, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

As I normally blog about all things related to weddings, I recently had some other opportunities outside portraiture and event photography.  With the rise of Pinterest and Instagram, it seems that everyone loves taking quick photos of food, me included!  While making my monthly visit to one of my favorite sushi restaurants (shot out to sushi chef Joey), the owner/manager invited me to take more photos as they are looking into revamping their menu with updated photos of their most popular sushi rolls.  Without hesitation I said yes and quickly she replied "how much?".  I smiled and said, "Well whatever you pay me I'm coming back to use it for sushi!"  We laughed and proposed that a good family sushi dinner will suffice.  So once the picture menu comes out, I'll be taking my wife and kids to not only enjoy a well prepared dinner but to also enjoy the fruits of my labour.  It doesn't match the creativity and fun of shooting engagement and wedding events but it does have it's perks.  Arigato. 


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